Fundraising Guild
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A great exercise for both St Helier lifeboats. The crews were given a tasking to two casualties in Seymour Tower. One had fallen down the steps and had a suspected spinal injury and the other had serious head injuries.
The St Helier ILB was first on scene and placed two crew with a first aid kit to assess and treat the casualties. The St Helier ALB then arrived and launched its daughter craft (The Y-boat) with its basket stretcher to assist.
The casualty who had fallen was placed into the ILBs PS1 stretcher and then in the basket stretcher where they were evacuated to the St Helier ILB. The casualty was then taken to La Rocque to an awaiting ambulance.
The other casualty wasn't so lucky and unfortunately didn't survive the head injury. They were evacuated into the y-boat and taken back to the ALB.
Just a reminder that the above was just an exercise but was carried out in a realistic way and then fully debriefed afterwards with both boat crews to share ideas and highlight learning points.