Management Team
The management team brings together experienced volunteers from both stations.
Current Role:
ALB Crew, Trainee ILB Crew and Trainee ALB Navigator, Casualty Care Lead
Day Time Job:
Business Operations Manager
My first shout ever was an adrenaline pumping casualty care call. Due to the nature of the injuries reported, the ambulance service were called to assist. We launched the ALB and safely transferred a paramedic and a member of our crew onto the casualty vessel to assess. Whilst in attendance, we were tasked to another vessel suffering engine failure. With the paramedics thumbs up, we diverted to a tow job (casualty stayed on their own vessel and sailed in with the paramedic and crew member onboard). Later on that evening I was on routine exercise on the ILB and we were diverted to a yacht in difficulty several miles off the south coast. We established a tow and started the long journey home. My first shout, turned into three-in-one day!